
Small But Mighty: OncoCore Yields Fast, Actionable Insights into Cancer Genetics

Choosing the right gene panel for cancer diagnostics is crucial for optimal patient care. While large panels that screen hundreds of genes provide comprehensive data, they come with high costs and prolonged turnaround times, often yielding ambiguous results. Smaller panels may miss essential genes critical for diagnosis or treatment planning. Striking a balance between gene inclusivity and data manageability is key to providing clinicians with meaningful, actionable information to enhance patient care. That’s why we developed OncoCore, an NGS panel designed to detect clinically significant gene alterations for informed cancer management. With a carefully curated set of genes, OncoCore simplifies cancer genomic profiling to improve patient care.

What sets OncoCore apart as the go-to choice for clinicians seeking to improve patient outcomes? Let’s explore its key features:

OncoCore’s Focused Approach

When selecting a gene panel, it’s essential that the results provide the required information for accurate diagnosis and treatment guidance. But does a larger gene panel always guarantee better results? Not necessarily. In fact, research indicates that smaller, optimized gene panels can be just as effective as larger ones in identifying clinically actionable mutations. This is because having more genetic information in a larger panel does not always translate to clinically significant insights.

OncoCore provides clinically useful results by focusing on 32 key cancer-related genes. The panel covers significant genetic variants for a range of solid tumors including non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, bile duct cancer, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, and thyroid cancer. Employing targeted amplicon sequencing technology, OncoCore analyzes both DNA and RNA, enabling the comprehensive detection of genetic alterations such as single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (InDels), gene fusions, and microsatellite instability (MSI). This focused but thorough approach ensures the identification of significant gene changes relevant to treatment options, enhancing diagnostic yield and clinical utility.

OncoCore’s Time- and Cost-effective Testing Makes Precision Oncology Accessible

Time is of the essence when it comes to cancer management, but large-scale gene panels can be time-consuming. However, OncoCore can deliver rapid results within 3 to 4 days. Its impressively short turnaround time is due to its targeted approach and streamlined processes. Focusing on sequencing a minimal number of genes significantly cuts processing time. In addition, OncoCore’s integrated microfluidic system for library preparation enables a fully automated workflow, further accelerating results. This expedited turnaround time ensures timely access to vital genetic information for clinicians and patients.

The panel’s low gene count and efficient workflow also lower the costs associated with sample processing and analysis, reducing the financial burden on healthcare systems and patients. By providing actionable genetic insights quickly and cost-effectively, OncoCore saves precious time and resources.

OncoCore’s Automated Reports Help Make Sense of Genetic Data

Interpreting results from gene panels can be daunting, but OncoCore simplifies this process with automated reports that present findings in a clear format. These reports highlight mutations linked to FDA-approved treatments and clinical trial options, empowering clinicians to make well-informed treatment decisions backed by robust genetic insights.

The OncoCore Advantage

When looking for the optimal gene panel for cancer diagnosis and treatment, OncoCore stands out as the smart choice. Its insights empower doctors to make informed treatment decisions swiftly and effectively, leading to better patient outcomes.

Contact us today to discover how OncoCore can make precision oncology a reality!
1. Durães C, Gomes CP, Costa JL, Quagliata L. Demystifying the Discussion of Sequencing Panel Size in Oncology Genetic Testing. EMJ Flagship J 72 2022. 2022;7(2):68-77. doi:10.33590/emj/22C9259

2. Vail E, Song J, Xu J, et al. Comparison of Large, Medium, and Small Solid Tumor Gene Panels for Detection of Clinically Actionable Mutations in Cancer. Target Oncol. 2020;15(4):523-530. doi:10.1007/s11523-020-00743-9
2024-05-30 13:02 Blog