2017-08-31 09:19

GoPath Celebrates 5 Years: 2012-2017

This week marks our five year anniversary! Over the years, our lab has grown in many ways. Our laboratory and office space has tripled and our staff size has more than quadrupled. We've added dozens of tests to our menu, including platforms such as digital PCR, microarray analysis and liquid biopsy. Our team of highly-regarded scientists is now at the forefront of genetic and hereditary cancer testing. Most recently, we've also added pharmaceutical services to our offerings.

While we've grown significantly since 2012, our mission has always remained the same: to partner with clinicians to serve the best interests of patients with passion, care, and the highest standards of professionalism. While we continue to expand, we have retained the qualities we prided ourselves in at our founding: our customer serivce staff is available seven days a week to assist you with any questions or concerns, our pathologists are available for consultation on any case and we are constantly researching and implementing the latest technology to give our clients access to the most comprehensive data on their clients condition. No matter how much growth we experience in the years to come, those qualities will always hold true.

To celebrate our journey, we plan to take some time to come together and reflect at an in-staff luncheon. Then it's back to work, doing what we love.

Thanks to all who have been part of our exciting journey so far and to those who are considering being part of it in the years to come.