The appearance of cells and their relationship to one another under the microscope is the cornerstone of pathology. When abnormal cell proliferations arise, identification of the cell of origin is vital for proper disease classification and management. Cells may have a wide variety of morphologies, and their sizes, shapes, colors, nuclear and cytoplasmic features, and the company they keep often disclose their origin.
Utilizing many different histological stains, including routine stains (H&E and Wright-Giemsa), special stains (iron, trichrome, Congo Red, etc.), and immunohistochemical stains (AE1/AE3, SOX11, CD45RB, etc.), cell features can be accentuated to improve their characterization. Microscopy allows for the visual evaluation of thousands of cells, and at GoPath, our experienced eyes and extensive stain menu (>120 stains) translate into timely, accurate diagnoses.