Whether a patient is in remission or currently undergoing treatment, the sooner cancer recurrence is discovered, the sooner the patient can receive appropriate treatments.
With OncoTracking™, signs of recurrence can be identified sooner than traditional screening tools. OncoTracking™ is a highly sensitive monitoring tool that utilizes liquid biopsy to screen for circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which is indicative of cancer recurrence and can be found before the recurrence is detectable on imaging.1
How Does OncoTracking™ Work?
OncoTracking™ begins with next-generation sequencing of a tissue sample to identify biomarkers that are unique to the tumor. We then create a highly sensitive and customized assay that screens for the tumor's unique mutations within a blood sample. The presence of tumor biomarkers in the blood is evidence of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which can be indicative of disease recurrence.¹ Through quarterly collection and testing of blood samples, OncoTracking™ can identify the earliest signs of recurrence, potentially months before traditional screening methods.
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is cell-free DNA (cfDNA) originating from a tumor or circulating tumor cells. Detection of ctDNA is an indicator of tumor cells present in the body, which may be from disease recurrence or residual cells post-definitive treatment, also called minimal residual disease (MRD). The presence of MRD is associated with increased risk of disease recurrence and metastasis.1 With serial monitoring of the blood for specific mutations found in the tumor, ctDNA can be detected sooner than clinical or radiographic evidence of disease recurrence, giving more opportunity for additional curative-intent therapy interventions.2
OncoTracking™ step-by-step
Sequence tissue sample to identify tumor mutations
Evaluate ctDNA in liquid biopsy samples collected quarterly or as recommended
When Does a Patient Need OncoTracking™?
OncoTracking™ can be used to detect recurrence in patients who have successfully completed their treatment and are now in remission. One study showed that at least 30% of colorectal cancer patients in remission following initial treatment will develop recurrence.3 Traditional methods of detecting cancer, such as imaging scans, do not signal recurrence or metastasis until the cancer has grown to a detectable size by scan. By using liquid biopsy technology, we often can detect cancer months earlier than traditional methods. This has several advantages for the patient, including reducing invasiveness, minimizing treatments, lowering treatment costs, and lessening patient anxiety.
Sample Requirements
Tissue sample (FFPE block) for initial tumor sequencing
10mL of peripheral blood in EDTA (purple top) tubes, collected on a quarterly basis
What are the Benefits of OncoTracking®?
To monitor for recurrence after definitive treatment
a. OncoTracking™ screens for evidence of ctDNA within blood samples collected regularly. b. The presence of ctDNA is an early sign of cancer recurrence that can be detected months before radiographic evidence of recurrence.1
To monitor response to therapy
a. Through monitoring for changes in the amount of ctDNA present, OncoTracking® can determine tumor response to therapies.
To aid in adjuvant therapy decision-making
a. ctDNA analysis can determine the presence of MRD post-surgical resection. b. Along with traditional risk assessments like pathological staging, MRD can be used to determine risk of recurrence or metastasis and assess the need for adjuvant therapy.
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1. Peng Y, Mei W, Ma K, Zeng C. Circulating Tumor DNA and Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) in Solid Tumors: Current Horizons and Future Perspectives. Front Oncol. 2021;11:763790. Published 2021 Nov 18. doi:10.3389 fonc.2021.763790 2. Chakrabarti S, Xie H, Urrutia R, Mahipal A. The Promise of Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the Management of Early-Stage Colon Cancer: A Critical Review. Cancers. 2020; 12(10):2808. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12102808 3. New Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Recurrence Is Twice as Sensitive as CEA Test - The ASCO Post. http://www.ascopost.com/News/44071. Accessed October 24, 2017.