Gastrointestinal Pathology

Your trusted leader in GI/Liver testing services
Our specialized GI and liver pathologists work in tandem with clinicians, prioritizing patient well-being through passionate care and utmost professionalism. We offer top-tier GI and liver pathology services, integrating immunohistochemistry with advanced in-house molecular diagnostics, covering panels like KRAS/EGFR Pathways, GIST mutations, Lynch syndrome/HNPCC, MSI-H colon cancer, HCC prognostic testing, and more.
Signature Services
  • Molecular Pathology
    Colorectal cancer testing:
    • Anti-EGFR Therapy: KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA
    • Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
    • OncoTracking™ - CRC (Predicts recurrence for early stage CRC)
    Screening for common GIST mutations:
    • C-kit (CD117), PDGFR, BRAF
    Gastric & Distal Esophageal Cancer testing:
    • HER2 by IHC (assessing HER2 status to guide therapy)*
    • Other relevant markers
    Anal Squamous Dysplasia
    • HPV-CISH for Human Papillomavirus
    GI Pathogen Panel (GPP)
    • Tests 14 of the most common pathogens for infectious causes of diarrhea.
    Comprehensive somatic testing panel

    Liquid Biopsy for Drug Resistance
  • Anatomic Pathology
    • Comprehensive IHC test menu, including special stains for organisms and metaplasia
    • Upper GI-tract biopsies
    • Lower GI-tract biopsies
    • Liver biopsies
  • Germline Testing
    LynchNow® for HNPCC/Lynch syndrome:
    • NGS-based assays that screens for up to 30 Lynch-associated genes, including MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and EPCAM
    Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP):
    • Germline APC testing
Several test menu options:
Single Gene Test
Anatomical Pathology
Single Gene Test
Anatomical Pathology
505-gene panel + MSI & TMB for advanced solid tumors
Recurrence monitoring, tumor-informed minimal residual disease (MRD) assay
Colon Cancer
32-gene panel
FISH Probe
*Bang YJ, Van Cutsem E, Feyereislova A, et al. Trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone for treatment of HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (ToGA): A phase 3, open-label, randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2010 Oct 16; 376(9742):687-697. Erratum: 2010 Oct 16;376(9749):1302. PubMed 20728210
GI Liver imaging
Through our Aperio and Bioview platforms, our clients have 24/7 access to high-resolution
images and test results.
View our test menu